Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Quick Note

Just a quick note to let you all know another great use for vinegar! It works well as a fabric softener! I just pour some in the fabric softener compartment in my washing machine and it is dispensed during the rinse cycle. Now, I don't have to use fabric softener sheets in the dryer. They supposedly coat your clothes with toxic chemicals and I never knew you weren't suppose to use them on towels or baby clothes anyway. They make towels water resistant, defeating the purpose of a towel, and they take away the flame retardant on baby clothes.

Hooray for another tried and proven green idea! Hundreds more to go!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Green Progress

Here's an update on my progress of going green. I found the fels naptha soap! Unfortunately, it is only sold in bar form. Yes, I grated a bar of soap. No, I will never do it again. The recipe (1 cup fels naptha, 1/2 cup washing soda and 1/2 cup borax) works really well and it smells really good. However, the grating is just way too time consuming. I plan on trying a ready made detergent that is chlorine, phosphate, fragrance and dye free. I believe Arm n Hammer makes a good detergent. I am also still cleaning my bathroom with vinegar and baking soda and loving it! And am trying to remember that there is nothing that soap and warm water can't clean.

The main problem I am having with going green is the price tag attached! They can hike up the price just because they can put "organic" or "eco-friendly" on the package. I would love to buy all organic food and all natural soaps and cleaners but I can't afford it. Oh well, perhaps when I win the lottery...I guess I would have to play the lottery first!

I love this time of year!

There's a nip in the air...turkey dinners, candied yams...a general sense of good will. Of course all the children love Christmas gifts but a lot of adults don't like the commercialism of the holiday or the stress of expectations put on them. I say it is what you make it. You don't have to go broke to please your children on Christmas morning. You don't have to have a huge turkey dinner with all the fixings just because your family expects it. Do Christmas your way.

What do I love about Christmas? It's actually the season...not the day. I love that Thanksgiving is a day to thank God for the blessings that He's given you and not about what you did or didn't get. I love the Christmas songs on the radio, the glow of the lights on the Christmas tree, the smell of the cookies or the turkey baking in the oven. I love my decorations...I'm very sentimental and most of them are homemade or have a story behind them. My husband and I tried to pick up an ornament at each of our vacation destinations...a quilted pillow from Hawaii, a shield from the tower of London, Mickey and Minnie Mouse from DisneyWorld, etc. Most of all, I enjoy the time spent with family. I don't need gifts and I don't need to spend a ton of money on my husband and daughter. I need to sing the songs with them, to decorate the tree with them, to bake the cookies with them. I need to share the dinner table with them and my parents, brother, and grandparents. I need to open up my home to my in-laws...I need hugs all around.

Let's not forget that the real purpose of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior! It's not about cards and gifts and commercialism. It's about the salvation that came with God in human form. So, let's enjoy the company of the family and friends that God gave us and praise His name for all of the blessings He showers us with everyday!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Important Things in Life

Time? What is time? I haven't got any to spare. Running around grocery and Christmas shopping, cleaning and organifying the house, spending some time playing with Baby E and talking to the hubby...the list goes on and on.

I'm sure you have all experienced it and feel the need for better time management. Managing my time down to the minute is the only way I can accomplish things like making a dedication dress for Baby E and making Christmas gifts. However, other things must be put on hold like designing and creating, blogging and tweeting, and updating my etsy shop. This doesn't bother me because I've come to the conclusion that the economy is hitting people hard enough not to buy what I'm selling. So, I'm doing a final craft show on Saturday and leaving my listings on etsy until they expire. If they don't sell, a lot of people will be getting purses for Christmas!

After all, isn't it family that matters most? Didn't I quit teaching music lessons to have more time for Baby E? I can still design and create. I have's in my blood. I will just do it for my family. I am really looking forward to making toys for all the children I will have, clothes for everyone I love, and filling the house with homemade love!

Will I continue to blog if I'm not promoting? Maybe. We will see. Well, that is all the time I have allotted for blogging today. Next on the schedule...feed baby and self. I've loved sharing a piece of myself with you all and I hope you enjoyed my daily musings. God bless!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Etsy Pick of the Week

Here is luxury for you...I can just imagine myself washing with that soft cottony shower puff! Click on her name to see her shop. My Etsy pick of the week:

Myissa G

1. Tell us a little about yourself…what you make and sell, where you sell, who you are, etc.
My name is Melissa. I am a stay at home mom to our 3 children. My hubsband is a truck driver and on the road a lot. We live on a farm in the country.We have a couple of dogs, that live outside and watch over our other animals. We have 2 ducks, around 25 chickens and 3 goats.I sell mainly hand crocheted items. My currant main focus has been on dishcloths and bath and shower puffs. Although I do sell other things, like scarves,hats, afghans, facial scrubbies and a few other things when I have time.
2. How did you get started with crafting and selling?
I taught myself to crochet over 15 years ago. When I first started, I mainly made things for friends and family. And then I discovered the internet. And that is where I meet Carol Alexander. She is now the Editor of the crochet magazine named Crochet. For a long time, I was making afghans from her designs for publication. And she introduced me to a few other designers that I was able to work for as well.(Anne Halliday, Brenda Stratton) You can find photos of some of the afghans I did for them in publications by Leisure Arts, Needle Craft Shop and a varity of magazines.Working with them was a wonderful experience for me. I learned a lot more about my crochet during that time. A few years after that I found Etsy. I was originally just a buyer. But I decided to take the plunge and try it out.
3. What do you enjoy most about your craft?
The ability to be able to take a ball of yarn and a hook and create something with it. Its amazing all the different things that you are able to make. so many things that are useful to you on a daily basis. For example facial scrubbies, you can use those everyday, and rather than throw them away like those paper ones. You can throw them in the washer and clean them to use again. Or creating an afghan, you can use those to keep warm when it is cold out. Each of my children have there own personal afghan.And they use them all the time. We also have plenty of extras on the quilt rack in our living room. :)
4. Describe your creative process…what inspires you?
Right now I find that the beautiful fall colors are inspiring me. I have been picking out several colors of cotton in beautiful colors that to me represent fall.
5. What other interests do you have?
When I have time I like to draw. I also like to write in a journal from time to time. :)
6. What do you think of the handmade movement?
I think this is wonderful. I love to see so many promoting handmade items rather than machine made items.Its wonderful to receive a package in the mail knowing that this product came directly from the creator.
Thank you for participating, Melissa. Good luck and God bless!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm working on it!

Changing over from chemical cleaners to the all natural homemade recipes is taking longer than I thought. I didn't think it made much sense to just toss the chemical cleaners wasting the money that I spent on them and it's taking time to use them up. I'm getting there little by little though and I will give you an update:
  • I am now loading the dishwasher with equal parts washing soda and borax.
  • I am still looking for Fels Naptha soap to make laundry detergent...please leave a comment and let me know if you know where I can get some.
  • I have cleaned my whole bathroom using vinegar and baking soda and it worked superbly! The vinegar worked so well on the mildew stains...they just wiped right off!

Well, that's it so far. Check back for more updates. I will keep at it!

Organic Housekeeping

Got time to read? I've been catching up on reading while I eat my lunch and right before bed and my newest purchase is a book called Organic Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck. It is filled with tons of timesaving and health related ideas for cleaning and organizing.

The first chapter that I have been applying to my house is the kitchen. Inspired by what I read I am cleaning out all of my cabinets. My husband and I bought our Christmas gift to each other this past more carcinogens in our foods! That's right, we bought all new stainless steel pots and pans. I'm ridding the kitchen of teflon. I'm also ditching as much plastic as I can. Plastic wrap will be replaced with waxed paper; tupperware is out and glass is in. All plastics that do not have a 2 or a 5 in the recycle triangle are outta here.

There are many more changes that I want to make, but it is so overwhelming. I'm taking it a little at a time and hopefully our house will be healthier and safer for it. I'll keep you updated on the changes as I make them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Etsy Pick - sparklysoft

I found this gem of an artist in the etsy forum! Here's my etsy pick for this week:

Sparkly Soft - Kristen

1. Tell us a little about yourself…what you make and sell,
where you sell, who you are, etc.

As a professional artist, I split my time between jewelry
and the violin. I think what draws me to both is the raw variety of expression
available in each medium. I am always developing my own style and creating what
I want to see and hear.

I would describe my jewelry as contemporary and eclectic. My
influences are varied and often I will utilize elements from many different experiences. For example, I grew up in a home with very minimalist decor. When I crave simplicity and elegance, I make earrings with few twists, few beads, strong colors, and a single focal point for one’s attention. At other times, I incorporate the gilded and complex themes that are expressed in Indian artwork that I saw when I lived in Chennai. I feel that whether you live in the city or the country or a suburb that I make something just for you. And, if I haven’t listed something for you yet, please contact me! I love custom jewelry

My jewelry can be found online at

2. How did you get started with crafting and selling?

I began crafting before I can remember, before I realized that many people find creating something of their own daunting. My husband demonstrates this well as he jokes that given enough used match sticks, I could build a house. Much of what I know about crafting, I learned from my mother. She is an amazing DIY woman; she made blinds and drapes, reupholstered chairs, did electrical work, knit, and made many of my dress clothes when I was a kid, and she taught me a lot of these skills at a young age. I am still impressed by her creative genius and resourcefulness. If there's one lesson that she demonstrated more than anything else it's that there is no reason to fear a large project or a new medium. Only a handful of months ago, she joined my grandma (wonder where my mom learned what she knows) and began studying silversmithing. She's already has made a number of very cool pieces of jewelry.

3. What do you enjoy most about your craft?

I love that I get to wear what I make. If I were a chef, wearing what I make probably would not be this cool. I also love to see people enjoying and wearing my jewelry, and love that I can relax while I create.

It is also rewarding to see that my work has an impact on other people. A friend recently posted about a pair of earrings that I had made for her from a pair of enameled fish that I bought in Israel. It's a wild pair of earrings, big and colorful, and the fish are segmented so that they move. When I gave them to her (and she is not a particularly ostentatious person), I told her that she could only keep them if she promised to wear them. She tells a story about how she picks days that need a little extra spice to wear the earrings and dubs them Awesome Fish Earring Days.

4. Describe your creative process...what inspires you?

A lot of my inspiration comes from the materials with which I work. The stones are so lovely in
their own right that I'm often overwhelmed with design ideas. I find myself attracted to form and structure, which has a tendency to appear in my earrings. I also draw inspiration from the people around me, their beauty, and the beauty of nature. I can barely contain myself now that the leaves are turning colors here
in Chicago!

5. What other interests do you have?

As mentioned, I am dedicated to the violin. I love to play and perform, love to listen to music and learn about a piece, love seeing it develop as I learn it. I also teach and I’m finding it far more rewarding than I expected I would when I first began. It is remarkable to see young people learn something new and challenging and do it well.

Additionally, I organize a political action group of concerned citizens (me) that lobbies my husband to get a kitten. The cause has met staunch resistance to date.

6. What do you think of the handmade movement?

The handmade movement is wonderful. To an extent, I'm pleased because people are more and more interested in what I create, but also because the handmade movement fosters creativity that may have remained dormant for people otherwise. I know I’ve a lot
of friends who get interested in learning new things and finding trades that they are good at, where as previously, they may not have had that opportunity to explore themselves in that realm.

I’m pleased to see people moving towards owning something artistic, unique, high-quality and sustainable, rather than mass-produced. People are buying handmade both for aesthetic purposes and to know that real people are benefiting directly from their purchase, rather than large corporations. Plus, I find that the jewelry that I make far outlasts anything that I could find in a store for even twice the cost. Which, to me, says that we’re doing much better for ourselves and our world to buy quality, to buy from individuals, which reduces factory waste, and to buy those pieces that we’ll treasure our whole lives through, not just for a season or two.

7. Is there anything else you would like the public to know?

Do you really want to let me keep talking after all of this??? If I managed to leave any stone unturned, or if you’re interested in my jewelry, I can be contacted through my etsy site, or the blog that I dutifully neglect:

Thank you for the interview and the opportunity to share some of
my thoughts with you!
Thanks for participating, Kristen! Good luck and God bless!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Etsy Pick

Here is my Etsy pick of the week. Isn't it nice that we can use the internet to communicate (and shop!!) worldwide...

1. Tell us a little about yourself…what you make and sell, where you sell, who you are, etc.

I am Irish and was born and raised in Co. Dublin Ireland. I go by the name enyaeire but my real name is Amanda. Enya is an Irish singer and Eire is Gaelic for Ireland so I put them both together and come up with the name enyaeire. I have many interests and of course crochet being one of them. I also like to etch glass and knit. I love everything to do with Celtic Art. I forgot to mention that I am known to be very witty yet there again most Irish people are.

2. How did you get started with crafting and selling?

I knew how to knit as growing up in Ireland they used to teach us how to in primary school. I started crocheting one day when a very good friend of mine from Co Sligo Ireland showed me how to. That was about 10 years ago and ever since I am hooked. I also find it very relaxing. I sell my items on Etsy and also in my job. Word of mouth has helped a lot.

3. What do you enjoy most about your craft?

I really enjoy coming up with different designs that I always add an extra touch to. It is a great feeling inside when you see you final product. All my designs I do myself and have never worked off a pattern. Once I line up the stitches, everything just seems to fall into place itself

4. Describe your creative process…what inspires you?

When I go to the store I head straight to the wool aisle. I never get a basket and always end up with more than I can carry to the cash registrar. The colors inspire me along with the quality of the wool. For me the thicker the wool the better. Growing up in Ireland I always loved the Aran knit sweaters and of course I still do. When I find the wool I get an image in my head of what I am going to do next.

5. What other interests do you have?

I love horses, the mountains and nature, cooking, wine tasting and being with my husband on the weekends. I love classic rock music and all the good things that life has to offer.

6. What do you think of the handmade movement?

I am all for it and I am often in awe when I see the amount of talented people on Etsy. Esty should have their own TV Channel to promote all the wonderful talent.

7. Is there anything else you would like the public to know?
All my creations are made from the heart and I hope them to touch many hearts.

Thanks for participating Amanda. If you would like to see Amanda's shop visit
Good luck and God bless!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Etsy Pick

I wanted to share some blog space with some of my favorite Etsy sellers! They are wonderful people with unique and artistic talents that they want to share with the world. So, here you go world...

1. Tell us a little about yourself…what you make and sell, where you sell, who you are, etc.

I am Melissa Howington. I live in a small town, Hogansville, Ga. I love to create things. My passion is painting. I currently paint pendants, picture frames and ornaments. I will paint ANYTHING! My broom is proof of that. I currently sell on Etsy. My address is

2. How did you get started with crafting and selling?

Last year I saw those little pendants that people had painted on what looked to be tiny bathroom ceramic tiles but I didn't really like those. That started me on a mission to find that "perfect something" that I could paint on and I stumbled upon these little wooden squares and disks. I also like jewelry so combining the two just made sense. I started painting them for an after Thanksgiving show that I was having along with some other artist friends. I had no idea they were going to take off like they did. It has been almost a year now and there are people still going crazy over them.

3. What do you enjoy most about your craft?

That it doesn't take long and you have a finished piece, therefore I can move on to another idea....there are so many!!! I only have a small amount listed on my ETSY site but I have about 300 here at the house and I constantly have people come to my house to shop and give me more orders!

4. Describe your creative process…what inspires you?

Oh gosh! I get inspiration from color, color , color! Give me bright colors and I go crazy! I love everything colorful! Fabrics make me happy also!

5. What other interests do you have?

Too many! Well, I like to play around with designing special jewelry pieces....I haven't taken that very seriously, though. I like to paint on canvas and also fabric. My dream is to someday paint portraits from real life! There isn't enough time in the day with work and a family to try and fit my creative desires into my life! I would be happiest if I were creating all the time and could forget about work! Haha, who needs it?

6. What do you think of the handmade movement?

It is so cool. I think we all need to jump on that wagon and support each other.

7. Is there anything else you would like the public to know?

I love to do custom orders! You can contact me at And remember....I will paint anything if it sits still long enough!
Thanks for participating, Melissa! Good luck and God bless!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Handmade Movement

In a time where mass manufactured items are selling like hotcakes and people want what they want when they want it, I never thought I'd see so much support for crafters and artists! It is wonderful! I just found out about this website from an etsy forum and the "sneak attack"! They find an etsy crafter with little or no sales and many people will purchase from that seller during a specific time slot to boost their sales and give them a nudge! What a caring community it is to help each other out! You don't see that too often these days.

Check it out and be a part of the next sneak attack! I would want someone to sneak attack me if I need it so I want to be a part of it!

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Friday, October 3, 2008

More Green and Clean

Here are some natural cleaning recipes that I want to replace my toxic cleaners with:

Disinfectant- 1 tsp eucalyptus, clove or lavendar
2 c. warm water

Glass Cleaner- ¼ c. vinegar
2 qts. Warm water

Bathroom Mold- 1 part hydrogen peroxide
2 parts water
Or just straight vinegar

Dishwasher Soap- equal parts borax* and washing soda

Wood Floor Cleaner and Polish- equal parts vegetable oil and vinegar.

Furniture Polish- a few drops lemon oil
½ c. warm water
Mix well. Spray onto cotton cloth. Dry with a clean cloth.

Laundry Detergent- 1 c. Ivory or Fels Naptha soap
½ c. washing soda
½ c. borax*
Use 1 tbsp for light loads and 2 tbsp for heavy loads.

Oven Cleaner- Make a paste with ¾ c. baking soda, ¼ c. salt, and ¼ c. water
Spread on and let it sit overnight. Remove with a spatula and wipe clean.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner- ¼ c. baking soda
1 c. vinegar

*Borax is still toxic and all these ingredients should be kept out of reach of children.

I'm still not sure if I want to use the dishwasher soap and laundry detergent recipes because of the toxicity of borax. The whole point was to rid the house of toxic chemicals. I will keep searching. Stay tuned...


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Green and Clean

I have to admit that I'm jumping on the environmentally friendly band wagon. I'm tired of inhaling the noxious fumes of the cleaning products that are probably burning holes in our lungs. So, I am researching natural cleaning agents. This may be a hard change to make because I (and my husband) am so obsessive about cleaning. It's gotten worse since we had Baby E and we want to protect her from germs. However, I am going to try my hardest to rid the house of hazardous toxins. Not only do they jeopardize your health, they pollute the earth. And after all, we are only borrowing this land from our grandchildren and great grandchildren!

So, here are the steps I'm going to take.

  • Get rid of everything that says danger, poison, warning or caution on it.
  • Check if my town has a hazardous waste pick up day to safely discard these products.
  • Use rags and sponges instead of paper towels.
  • Use a safer antibacterial spray (2 cups of water mixed with 1 tsp. of essential oil of lavendar, clove, or eucalyptus) instead of chlorine bleach.
  • Switch to biodegradable dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent that does not contain chlorine.
  • Use baking soda and a damp sponge to clean kitchen countertops, sinks, and tubs.
  • Use white vinegar and lemon juice to clean wood surfaces.
  • Use distilled white vinegar to kill the mold in my bathroom.

This is a start anyway. Once I accomplish these changes, I'll search out more. Please post a comment if you know of any other natural household cleaners. I'd especially like to know how to naturally polish wood furniture.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Handmade With Love

I really do believe there is nothing like a handmade gift. When someone takes the time to make something, it really comes from the heart. Not only have I given gifts that I've made, but I have received some homemades as well. They are all treasures that you could never put a price on nor could you find them in any store. I encourage everyone who has a skill or a talent, whether it is woodworking, drawing, baking, or whatever, to make a gift for someone special this holiday season.

I thought I might share some pictures and give you some ideas.

This was last year's birthday gift from my dad. He took the bottom of an old sewing machine and made a table out of it. On top of the table, to the left of the pitcher, is a candleholder he made as a Christmas gift last year by attaching votive holder on a saucer to an upside down teacup. He is very talented!

I crocheted this dress as a gift to my sweet Baby E.

Another heirloom treasure produced by my dad, he made this cradle for Baby E. It is something that will be passed from generation to generation.

A few years ago, my dad custom designed and made this hall tree for us as a Christmas gift.

My mom has the talent and patience for cross stitch and made this for me.

My mom and dad love vintage and antique inspired things, so I crocheted this granny square afghan for them.

For my parents' 30th anniversary I made them a scrapbook with pictures and letters of congratulations that friends and relatives sent.

As a gift to her bridesmaids, a friend made this jewelry for us to wear to the wedding.

I've also noticed a new trend...buying handmade gifts. I've received handmade gifts that relatives bought knowing I value handmade over mass produced. I think this is a marvelous alternative for those who do not have the time or do not feel confident about their skills. There are so many options with online marketplaces like Etsy, craft shows, school holiday bazaars, etc. The items you will find are unique, of high quality, and worth the price. I urge everyone, in one way or another, to go handmade this holiday won't regret it!

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who is Miss Yiss?

Who is Miss Yiss? Where did the name come from?

Well, I'll tell you. When I was born, my brother (two years my senior) could not pronounce my name. I guess the L sound is a little tough for children so "Melissa" turned into "Myissa". After a while it became "My Yissa" which was shortened to "Yiss" to save on time I suppose.

This doesn't explain the "Miss" part though, does it? Well, my mom would have to take credit for that one. Everyone knows that when a mother means business she uses the full name, right? Not my mom! It was always, "Miss Yiss, you get in here and clean up this mess!" or "Miss Yiss, you get up here and make your bed this minute!"

Over the years this nickname stuck with me in one form or another. However, until now, it was only used by family. One day I thought, why not share it with the world? So here you go, World, meet Miss Yiss!

A New Mom with New Hobbies

I am loving this internet doohickey thing! Before Baby E was born, the only thing I used the internet for was e-mail. Now, with only a few minutes here and there, I have discovered this whole other world that many people knew existed for years. Blogger, Twitter, Wishpot, Etsy...I must say I am addicted.

So here I am, Baby E is napping to classical music and I can organize my thoughts. I am so blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mother. My first love is God, then my family, and I must say that crafting is on that list. I have very fond memories of my mom always having new crafty ideas for me and my brother to work on. I would do anything from quilting to rug hooking to loom weaving. And it is the same to this day...quilting, crocheting, embroidery, anything!

I would not have the time to be creative if I had to work a job and raise Baby E and keep the house clean! I must thank my wonderful husband profusely when he gets home from work! We both agreed that it was important to us that I stay home to be a mother, but little does he know that Baby E and I play all day!

Well, anyway, I plan on using this blog and twitter and wishpot and etsy (and I'm sure there will be more) to keep my thoughts organized, keep family and friends updated on what I'm up to, and share my handmade passion with others. So ends my first daily musing.