Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Etsy Pick of the Week

Here is luxury for you...I can just imagine myself washing with that soft cottony shower puff! Click on her name to see her shop. My Etsy pick of the week:

Myissa G

1. Tell us a little about yourself…what you make and sell, where you sell, who you are, etc.
My name is Melissa. I am a stay at home mom to our 3 children. My hubsband is a truck driver and on the road a lot. We live on a farm in the country.We have a couple of dogs, that live outside and watch over our other animals. We have 2 ducks, around 25 chickens and 3 goats.I sell mainly hand crocheted items. My currant main focus has been on dishcloths and bath and shower puffs. Although I do sell other things, like scarves,hats, afghans, facial scrubbies and a few other things when I have time.
2. How did you get started with crafting and selling?
I taught myself to crochet over 15 years ago. When I first started, I mainly made things for friends and family. And then I discovered the internet. And that is where I meet Carol Alexander. She is now the Editor of the crochet magazine named Crochet. For a long time, I was making afghans from her designs for publication. And she introduced me to a few other designers that I was able to work for as well.(Anne Halliday, Brenda Stratton) You can find photos of some of the afghans I did for them in publications by Leisure Arts, Needle Craft Shop and a varity of magazines.Working with them was a wonderful experience for me. I learned a lot more about my crochet during that time. A few years after that I found Etsy. I was originally just a buyer. But I decided to take the plunge and try it out.
3. What do you enjoy most about your craft?
The ability to be able to take a ball of yarn and a hook and create something with it. Its amazing all the different things that you are able to make. so many things that are useful to you on a daily basis. For example facial scrubbies, you can use those everyday, and rather than throw them away like those paper ones. You can throw them in the washer and clean them to use again. Or creating an afghan, you can use those to keep warm when it is cold out. Each of my children have there own personal afghan.And they use them all the time. We also have plenty of extras on the quilt rack in our living room. :)
4. Describe your creative process…what inspires you?
Right now I find that the beautiful fall colors are inspiring me. I have been picking out several colors of cotton in beautiful colors that to me represent fall.
5. What other interests do you have?
When I have time I like to draw. I also like to write in a journal from time to time. :)
6. What do you think of the handmade movement?
I think this is wonderful. I love to see so many promoting handmade items rather than machine made items.Its wonderful to receive a package in the mail knowing that this product came directly from the creator.
Thank you for participating, Melissa. Good luck and God bless!


Melissa said...

Thank you again :) You set up really pretty here. :)

ThePeachTree said...

What a fantastic interview with one of my dearest etsy friends. I love that there's always something new to learn about people close to you!