Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A New Mom with New Hobbies

I am loving this internet doohickey thing! Before Baby E was born, the only thing I used the internet for was e-mail. Now, with only a few minutes here and there, I have discovered this whole other world that many people knew existed for years. Blogger, Twitter, Wishpot, Etsy...I must say I am addicted.

So here I am, Baby E is napping to classical music and I can organize my thoughts. I am so blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mother. My first love is God, then my family, and I must say that crafting is on that list. I have very fond memories of my mom always having new crafty ideas for me and my brother to work on. I would do anything from quilting to rug hooking to loom weaving. And it is the same to this day...quilting, crocheting, embroidery, anything!

I would not have the time to be creative if I had to work a job and raise Baby E and keep the house clean! I must thank my wonderful husband profusely when he gets home from work! We both agreed that it was important to us that I stay home to be a mother, but little does he know that Baby E and I play all day!

Well, anyway, I plan on using this blog and twitter and wishpot and etsy (and I'm sure there will be more) to keep my thoughts organized, keep family and friends updated on what I'm up to, and share my handmade passion with others. So ends my first daily musing.

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