Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Important Things in Life

Time? What is time? I haven't got any to spare. Running around grocery and Christmas shopping, cleaning and organifying the house, spending some time playing with Baby E and talking to the hubby...the list goes on and on.

I'm sure you have all experienced it and feel the need for better time management. Managing my time down to the minute is the only way I can accomplish things like making a dedication dress for Baby E and making Christmas gifts. However, other things must be put on hold like designing and creating, blogging and tweeting, and updating my etsy shop. This doesn't bother me because I've come to the conclusion that the economy is hitting people hard enough not to buy what I'm selling. So, I'm doing a final craft show on Saturday and leaving my listings on etsy until they expire. If they don't sell, a lot of people will be getting purses for Christmas!

After all, isn't it family that matters most? Didn't I quit teaching music lessons to have more time for Baby E? I can still design and create. I have's in my blood. I will just do it for my family. I am really looking forward to making toys for all the children I will have, clothes for everyone I love, and filling the house with homemade love!

Will I continue to blog if I'm not promoting? Maybe. We will see. Well, that is all the time I have allotted for blogging today. Next on the schedule...feed baby and self. I've loved sharing a piece of myself with you all and I hope you enjoyed my daily musings. God bless!

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