Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Tis the season for New Year's Resolutions. I thought I would post some pix of my pre-Christmas projects and give you a list of my resolutions for creativity to inspire you to create this year.

In my quest for an organic home, I've crocheted about ten dishcloths and tossed my nasty germy sponge. This is a picture of the dishcloths that I am selling in my etsy shop.

Here is the dress I made for Baby E for her dedication at church. She is sitting on the chenille quilt that I made for her before she was born.

I also made an afghan as a wedding gift, but, alas, I cannot find the picture.

I plan to accomplish many creative projects this coming year as well as the usual resolutions of losing weight and reading my Bible more. As soon as the Christmas decorations are away and the house is cleaned, I'm gonna be a crafting maniac! Here's my list:

· Make at least one piece of clothing for each member of my family.
· Of those clothes, I will make two of the patterns from scratch.
· Paint two wooden trays for Christmas 2009 gifts.
· I have a great pattern for a Christmas advent calendar and wonderful memories of a calendar that my mom had...I want to make one and spread the memories to my children.
· Finish (finish being the key word) at least 2 quilt projects.
· Finish at least 2 crochet projects.
· Learn to knit (this one has been a recurring resolution for the past three years, sadly).
· Finish my pregnancy scrapbook.
· Finish Baby E's 1st year scrapbook.
· Read 5 books.

So, ambitious as it is, there is my list. I will be sure to post updates and pictures of my progress over the coming year. Hopefully, this will inspire you to make a list of your own. Keep it in a place where you will look at it often and stay on track! And remember to enjoy time with family and friends this year!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

BPA, PVC, OMG...I'm losing my mind!

AAAARRRGGHH! I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now!

I have been checking out Baby E's teethers and bottles and they are not all BPA, PVC, and phthalate free! I found a blog with a lot of good information on it, Non-Toxic Kids, and it is really helped in my resolution to make my home organic and non-toxic. However, I am one hair away from breaking the camel's back and tossing everything I own out and starting from scratch. I have ordered glass bottles to replace the plastic ones without a recycling number. I tossed all the unknown plastic teethers and kept the Sassy BPA free ones and the wooden one from Plan Toys that I put in Baby E's Christmas stocking. I'm looking at an enamelware plate, bowl, and cup from Nova Natural for her toddler foods. And let me tell you how much I love the Nova Natural catalog! I can't wait to order some of these all natural, made in the USA, old fashioned, imagination inspiring toys for Baby E's first birthday! I will write a review when I get some of their products.

I think it is time for some sleep (Baby E's first tooth is poking through and that plus diaper rash has been keeping her up!) and then maybe I'll be able to plow ahead with detoxifying my home!

Good Night!