Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who is Miss Yiss?

Who is Miss Yiss? Where did the name come from?

Well, I'll tell you. When I was born, my brother (two years my senior) could not pronounce my name. I guess the L sound is a little tough for children so "Melissa" turned into "Myissa". After a while it became "My Yissa" which was shortened to "Yiss" to save on time I suppose.

This doesn't explain the "Miss" part though, does it? Well, my mom would have to take credit for that one. Everyone knows that when a mother means business she uses the full name, right? Not my mom! It was always, "Miss Yiss, you get in here and clean up this mess!" or "Miss Yiss, you get up here and make your bed this minute!"

Over the years this nickname stuck with me in one form or another. However, until now, it was only used by family. One day I thought, why not share it with the world? So here you go, World, meet Miss Yiss!

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