Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Green and Clean

I have to admit that I'm jumping on the environmentally friendly band wagon. I'm tired of inhaling the noxious fumes of the cleaning products that are probably burning holes in our lungs. So, I am researching natural cleaning agents. This may be a hard change to make because I (and my husband) am so obsessive about cleaning. It's gotten worse since we had Baby E and we want to protect her from germs. However, I am going to try my hardest to rid the house of hazardous toxins. Not only do they jeopardize your health, they pollute the earth. And after all, we are only borrowing this land from our grandchildren and great grandchildren!

So, here are the steps I'm going to take.

  • Get rid of everything that says danger, poison, warning or caution on it.
  • Check if my town has a hazardous waste pick up day to safely discard these products.
  • Use rags and sponges instead of paper towels.
  • Use a safer antibacterial spray (2 cups of water mixed with 1 tsp. of essential oil of lavendar, clove, or eucalyptus) instead of chlorine bleach.
  • Switch to biodegradable dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent that does not contain chlorine.
  • Use baking soda and a damp sponge to clean kitchen countertops, sinks, and tubs.
  • Use white vinegar and lemon juice to clean wood surfaces.
  • Use distilled white vinegar to kill the mold in my bathroom.

This is a start anyway. Once I accomplish these changes, I'll search out more. Please post a comment if you know of any other natural household cleaners. I'd especially like to know how to naturally polish wood furniture.



Friday, September 26, 2008

Handmade With Love

I really do believe there is nothing like a handmade gift. When someone takes the time to make something, it really comes from the heart. Not only have I given gifts that I've made, but I have received some homemades as well. They are all treasures that you could never put a price on nor could you find them in any store. I encourage everyone who has a skill or a talent, whether it is woodworking, drawing, baking, or whatever, to make a gift for someone special this holiday season.

I thought I might share some pictures and give you some ideas.

This was last year's birthday gift from my dad. He took the bottom of an old sewing machine and made a table out of it. On top of the table, to the left of the pitcher, is a candleholder he made as a Christmas gift last year by attaching votive holder on a saucer to an upside down teacup. He is very talented!

I crocheted this dress as a gift to my sweet Baby E.

Another heirloom treasure produced by my dad, he made this cradle for Baby E. It is something that will be passed from generation to generation.

A few years ago, my dad custom designed and made this hall tree for us as a Christmas gift.

My mom has the talent and patience for cross stitch and made this for me.

My mom and dad love vintage and antique inspired things, so I crocheted this granny square afghan for them.

For my parents' 30th anniversary I made them a scrapbook with pictures and letters of congratulations that friends and relatives sent.

As a gift to her bridesmaids, a friend made this jewelry for us to wear to the wedding.

I've also noticed a new trend...buying handmade gifts. I've received handmade gifts that relatives bought knowing I value handmade over mass produced. I think this is a marvelous alternative for those who do not have the time or do not feel confident about their skills. There are so many options with online marketplaces like Etsy, craft shows, school holiday bazaars, etc. The items you will find are unique, of high quality, and worth the price. I urge everyone, in one way or another, to go handmade this holiday season...you won't regret it!

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.org

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who is Miss Yiss?

Who is Miss Yiss? Where did the name come from?

Well, I'll tell you. When I was born, my brother (two years my senior) could not pronounce my name. I guess the L sound is a little tough for children so "Melissa" turned into "Myissa". After a while it became "My Yissa" which was shortened to "Yiss" to save on time I suppose.

This doesn't explain the "Miss" part though, does it? Well, my mom would have to take credit for that one. Everyone knows that when a mother means business she uses the full name, right? Not my mom! It was always, "Miss Yiss, you get in here and clean up this mess!" or "Miss Yiss, you get up here and make your bed this minute!"

Over the years this nickname stuck with me in one form or another. However, until now, it was only used by family. One day I thought, why not share it with the world? So here you go, World, meet Miss Yiss!

A New Mom with New Hobbies

I am loving this internet doohickey thing! Before Baby E was born, the only thing I used the internet for was e-mail. Now, with only a few minutes here and there, I have discovered this whole other world that many people knew existed for years. Blogger, Twitter, Wishpot, Etsy...I must say I am addicted.

So here I am, Baby E is napping to classical music and I can organize my thoughts. I am so blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mother. My first love is God, then my family, and I must say that crafting is on that list. I have very fond memories of my mom always having new crafty ideas for me and my brother to work on. I would do anything from quilting to rug hooking to loom weaving. And it is the same to this day...quilting, crocheting, embroidery, anything!

I would not have the time to be creative if I had to work a job and raise Baby E and keep the house clean! I must thank my wonderful husband profusely when he gets home from work! We both agreed that it was important to us that I stay home to be a mother, but little does he know that Baby E and I play all day!

Well, anyway, I plan on using this blog and twitter and wishpot and etsy (and I'm sure there will be more) to keep my thoughts organized, keep family and friends updated on what I'm up to, and share my handmade passion with others. So ends my first daily musing.